Wednesday, July 16, 2008

allez GoZo!!!!

We have been busy little beavers over here in Europe the past week or so. Last Thursday July 10) my darling hubbster had his football final (soccer for all you Americans). He played on two different outdoor teams this spring and I hadn't been to one single match...I figured I'd better make it to the finals! Luckily, it was a lovely day - I told him to count me out if it was raining. I know, I'm a terrible wife but who wants to stand outside getting soaked for a company league match? not I, said the fly. so here are few pictures from that game. Sadly, I ran out of batteries so I didn't get the celebratory photos during the handing out of the trophy or the smokers of the team puffing while lounging immediately after the match.

Not to disparage his team, they are quite good, but I was so surprised that they won. The other team made up mostly of French was filled with teenagers. Not that the teenagers were better skilled, but they sure were more heat and fatigue resistant. GOZO, my hubby's team was showing their age by the middle of the first half. It was hot out and the hubby, at 31 years, is one of the youngest members of the team! I find that a bit far fetched, but that's what the guys around me told me. I tried to get some cool pictures and little video but most of them are crap.
Every time something really great was happening I was either fumbling to turn on my camera or it didn't snap the picture fast enough. Here's a great close up of hubby's butt as he whizzes past me on the sidelines. I thought I was going to get some fabulous action shots close-up but the camera just didn't take the pictures till too late. Bummer.
I even missed the only goal GOZO made, scored by the hubby and it was a beautiful shot. I was so pissed that the camera didn't turn on in time. All the guys around me said, "did you get it? did you get it on camera?" in all their different accents. I had to sigh and say, "no. I just missed it. But my hubby will be happy to know I saw it at the very least." Or at least he better be.

Let's see if I can insert a little video clip of their actual play. You'll see DH at the left of the screen quite close up then at the end of the clip he is on the far right side of the goal! How on earth did he do that? It must be magic or fast legs! so, that's pretty much all I got for that. The other team ended up scoring a goal in the injury minutes (the ref seemed to let the injury time go on and on and on...) they went to two 10 minute overtime halves, no one scored, and Team GoZo won in a penalty shootout. My man scored - his penalty kick, that is.

After the match we all went to Charlie's Pub in Sain-Genis and enjoyed a nice cool beer. We tried to get kababas from Pamoukale, the Turkish?, restaurant next door but they were out of bread. So we ended up with a little plastic container of shaved meat and some french fries. Not the best meal, but hey it was food and we were starving. I've been trying to post a bad picture of Charlie's taken last May on a dark rainy night..but it doesn't seem to want to show up. Something strange has happened to blogger. Oh well, I guess we'll see how it turns out in the final post.
I have so much that I should catch up on. I had wanted to post pictures of our trip to Pittsburgh back in May/June, we had our friend from college come visit us this past weekend and I need to put up those photos...geeze, I'm really behind. I'll try and catch up, but no promises.

1 comment:

doctor's mom said...

Wish I could have been there too! Sounds like an exciting game! Way to go son! Thanks for putting up the video, Mel. Keep up the great blogging!!