Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I met three charming little French girls today. They were walking their dog and stopped by the fence to visit with Ally just as Ally and I were getting ready to go for our afternoon walk. We stopped and spoke with the girls for a bit. They were very good about slowing down their French for me and they could speak English beautifully. Well, at least 2 of them could . Either the youngest girl didn't speak English or she was just shy - her older sister, at least I think she was an older sister- did all the translating for the younger one when I couldn't understand what she was saying (though she didn't talk much). They loved Ally and Ally could have cared less about them. All she wanted was to go on her walk. She wasn't even interested in their dog, Samba. Oh well, what a stuck up little dog we have.

The oddest thing about meeting these girls was that they kept asking if I wanted them to walk Ally. I was a bit confused having told them that I was going on une promenade- a walk (at least that's what I was trying to say in French). Finally, I figured out the littlest one wanted to actually walk Ally, hold the leash. I thought this was not such a great idea so I said no, but they could walk with us if they wanted. I tried to explain that Ally sometimes pulled or got excited when she saw a cat and so it was best if I walked her. I think they were a little put out with me, but they were still very nice. I don't know why I find it so weird, but this is the second time I've had a child here want to walk Ally for me. Children I don't know and who don't know Ally. I find that so bizarre. You don't just walk other peoples dogs. Is it a cultural thing or do American kids do that too? I've never had any children in the States ask to walk Ally. Sure they've wanted to pet her, but never take her for a walk. This little girl took my no with grace, but the little boy who had asked me kept insisting that he could walk her and trying to grab the leash from my hand. Come to think of it that little boy was maybe American...or British. I can't remember. Regardless, I know Ally is cute and all but she's a pretty big dog. She's nearly half the size of these kids who want to walk her. I find it utterly baffling.

well, that's about all for today. Not much going on, just practicing my French with the little girls fo the neighborhood. I have to say that I am quite jaloux (jealous pronounce ja-looze or maybe it's ja-loo...) of their ability to speak English so well, when here I am living in France for cripes sake unable to understand simple phrases. Ah well, it' s my own fault for not practicing more. The more effort I make the better I will become. Right? Right. I knew that's what you'd say, so I just answered for you. It's easier that way.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cider insider her

Home to my beautiful bride
She'll not feel so rotten
As soon as she's gotten
Some Cider inside her inside!

(a chorus of 8-12 year olds all singing)

Cider inside of her
cider inside of her
Cider inside of her
cider inside her inside

So imagine, if you will, a stage full of 8 -12 year olds dressed in adorable fuzzy animal costumes waving about jugs of cider and singing this little ditty. Pretty hysterical. If only I could sing it to you the damn song would be stuck in your head as well. The few songs in Fantastic Mr. Fox really stick in your head. It's infuriating sometimes. I've been humming the cider song for about 3 days now and every now and then I bust into a song whose only words are digga digga dig! Aaahhh.

But other than having annoying songs stuck in my head this weekend went very well. I was totally impressed with the professionalism of the kids, and though I did have to be the silence police, they were great. All three performances were sold out and a talent agent came to their Sunday performance. She told Tom and Jenna (the owners and operators of the theatre and the drama academy) that these were the most professional children she'd seen. Isn't that great? Now when she needs to cast kids she'll think of the Theatre academy. What a wonderful boost for the academy. I hope I can live up to such high teaching standards! hee, hee
Thank god I'm teaching the wee little ones.

On a totally different note, at my first rehearsal one thing that struck me was that there was a 10 year old playing a drunk rat. It was a short bit and the kid was hysterical, but I just kept thinking, "This would never fly in the States." Can you hear the complaints pouring in from parents if there was a little 10 year old pretending to be drunk, followed by an 11 year taking a swig from a jug of Cider and saying, "It's like liquid gold. Like drinking sunshine and rainbows." I mean it's a great line, but I could hear so many people in my hometown getting all bent out of shape over such a thing. Maybe I'm totally wrong here. Maybe no one would care. I just can't help thinking that there is a bit of a puritanical strain in American society that would see this as totally inappropriate for kids. What do you think? Seriously, I have to admit that little drunk rat was one of my favorite parts of the show. It made me laugh every single time I saw it. He wore a leather vest and leather cap with his little rat years sticking out. Adorable.

I had a really great, albeit busy, weekend getting to know some of the kids and the people I'll be working with/for. You know what? Everyone at the theatre office is British, so despite the fact that they speak English and I speak English half the time I don't have a clue what they are talking about. There are all sorts of British slang words I don't know, though I can usually get the gist, (hell I'm sure there's lots of American slang I don't know), then there are all these references to British pop culture - TV shows, music groups, famous people, and I just sit there with a blank look on my face. It shall be interesting seeing how things go for me at the theatre. I have a feeling that since I only will be working one day a week and there's already this gulf of nationality and familiarity it'll take some time to really get to know everyone. On the bright side they all seem extremely nice and very funny. They work hard and like to relax and have a good time once the work is finished. I went out for drinks with everyone a couple times this weekend to try and get to know them better. it was fun but I mainly just sat around and listened to them talk. My family would never believe how totally shy I become when I first meet people.

Well, it's a beautiful day out today. Ally deserves a nice long walk and I need to hang up some laundry. It should actually dry since it's supposed to be in the 50's (that's Fahrenheit) so my laundry won't become clothesicles as this do on cold winter days when I have no choice but to hang the laundry outside since every spare inch of indoor is already taken up with drying clothes! Sometimes I do desperately miss my dryer. My nice BIG American dryer. Sure it probably was too big for only two people, yeah it increased out electricity bills, and of course I used it all year round even when it would have been energy-saving, environmentally friendly to hang the laundry outdoors....but it was wonderful. It removed dog hair from clothing - I love that little lint trap- I could do as much laundry as I wanted in one day with no problems. sigh...those were the days. don't get me wrong we could buy a dryer here, but it would be small and one like our neighbors so I'd probably end up burning holes in more laundry thus destroying mass quantities of clothing, sheets, and towels. So, the line outside it is. I better get going before the weather turns on me. I just know I'm going to hang out the laundry and dark, grey clouds will roll in dropping buckets of rain all over my nice, clean laundry. All because i didn't get it done earlier.

Later gator!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Isn't it funny that you don't work forever then suddenly you are thrown into the longest workday you've had in ages? Thursday was my first day working at the Theatre. I started off at 10 am learning a little about the office and was set to work doing invoices. A simple, and rather mindless task, although time consuming. Not a terrible job to have on your first day. I did that till about 3:15 when my computer crashed. Let me tell you, the computer they let me use is just about as slow as molasses. I haven't been this impatient since I was using my parents dial-up computer. No doubt this contributed to the amount of time the invoices were taking me. I spent about 30 minutes getting myself ready for my two classes. Did I mention that my first day there I had to plan and teach TWO classes? Yikes! This weekend is a performance of "Fantastic Mr. Fox" for the older kids so all the other teachers were at a different theatre rehearsing. So, I was alone in my classes...well besides the kids there was Rachel, who works in the office. She was my moral support and on hand in case the kids got way too out of control. Earlier that morning we got a call at the office from the other teacher asking if I could combine the 7 kids from his 11-12 year old class with my 15 kids from the 7-9 year old class. I said, "No."
I mean really, what were they thinking? This is my first day. And I'd seen those 7-9 year olds in action. I couldn't imagine adding more! They would be completely insane. Besides, I don't think a 7 year old and a 12 year old have a whole lot in common. Do you? So they canceled that class since they didn't have a teacher available. A little part of me thought, "Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into now? Another completely disorganized, fly by the seat of our pants theatre." I guess we shall see.

So, my classes went pretty well. The 7-9 year olds were a bit out of control - testing their limits with the new teacher and all. I think I handled them fairly well. There was only one fist fight. Just kidding, but there was some small altercation during one of the exercises where one girl accidentally hit another girl in the eye and then that girl "accidentally" hit the other girl in the eye. Whew! We eventually straightened it all out and everyone left happy. The classes were finished around 6:15 and the last kids were gone by about 6:30 pm at which time I jumped into my car and headed into Geneva to find the theatre and catch the end of the "Mr. Fox" rehearsal. I'm helping out backstage.

After being lost for a half an hour in downtown Geneva I finally found a parking garage in the genera area of the theatre and wandered around another 15 minutes or so before I actually found it. By the time I got home that night it was nearly midnight. I ate some dinner and collapsed in bed. Geeze, when I do things I don't do them by halves, do I? At least not starting out a new job. Well, I gotta go get showered and into Geneva for the first performance of "Fantastic Mr. Fox". Oh I wish I had pictures to post of the kids in their costumes, they are adorable. All these furry little creatures running around, it's just too cute!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

le medecin...

...ou le docteur. We were taught in high school French class to use the le médecin but apparently that is antiquated now. As you might have guessed already I have officially had my first experience with a French doctor. Yep, I've been sick. Skip down if you'd like to miss the gory details (cackle, cackle, cackle). I awoke Saturday morning at 4:30 am with the burning urge to pee. And when I say "burning" I'm not joking. You guessed it a UTI (urinary tract infection). For you uninitiated few bless your lucky stars because it is not fun.

After about a half an hour of contemplating whether I could suck it up and make it through the day skiing in Italy I decided it was a no go. Considering I had had to run to the bathroom at least 4 times in that half hour riding on a bus for 2 hours with no stops would be hell on earth. Sadly, I hauled out some blankets and curled up on the couch so DH could get some sleep (he didn't want to leave me here sick so he skipped skiing too - isn't that sweet?). I spent the next 2 days sleeping, peeing, eating, peeing, sleeping, peeing, sleeping, get the picture. Throw in there chugging down copious amounts of cranberry concentrate diluted in water. Yeah, that's what they gave me at the pharmacy. No over the counter meds for a UTI just good ole, all natural stuff here in France. Thankfully it did help even if it increased the amount I ran down the hall to relieve myself. You can't drink a liter and a half of water without having some effects even without an infection.

Finally, Monday rolled around. I was feeling better but not great. Still exhausted and still running to la toilette more than is strictly necessary (even for someone who runs that way tout le temps - all the time). So I decided it would be in my best interest to visit a doctor. I hauled out my handy 30 Euro (can we say rip off?) Know-It-All Passport book to see if I could find a doctor in the area who spoke English. Look, I am trying to learn French, but really when your pee pee is loco struggling with a new language is not ideal. After searching through the dumb book with no success I remembered they don't have the list of doctors in the book, you had to get it via email. Stupide, non? Luckily, I was smart enough to have saved it and found it with not too much trouble in my documents. I found a doctor in Saint Genis and said, "Parfait!" (perfect). I called, with some trepidation. Why? Because I'm a freak, we've already established that in past posts; let's move on, shall we? The receptionist was very polite and did speak some English. Unfortunately, the doctor had been in some sort of accident. Don't ask me I was very confused. I guess she has not been there for a month. So, instead she said, but I can make an appointment for you with Dr. Franck. He is in Thoiry. Umm...ok, burning pee not really much choice in the matter. I got an appointment for 7:40 pm that night. Yeah, that's what I thought too. 7:40 pm!?! In France? The country where every grocery store closes by 7:30 pm? Really? I asked the poor woman 3 times if 7:40 pm was what she had actually said. I got a few emphatic and exacerbated, "Oui madame"s before I hung up. No doubt she was thinking, "Stupeed American, I 'ope zat zee pee pee does burrrrn" (think stereotypical French accent here - work with me people I'm still recovering from illness).

Thus, with DH in tow I made it to the doctors, found the place and miracle of miracles he was open and I in fact did have the correct time. That doesn't mean the doctor was on time. I finally saw him at about 8:30 pm. First, let me say we entered the office and there was no secretary. No one to tell, "I'm here for my appointment". No one to hand you paperwork to fill out while you wait. Nothing but a hall with closed doors and one open door with patients waiting and toys scattered everywhere. We took our seats, read our books, I ran to the bathroom a couple times...finally I got in to see the doctor. He didn't ask my name, if I had an appointment, insurance, nothing but what was wrong. He handed me a HUGE glass beaker and told me to go urinate in it. Oh my god, I wish I had my camera. I thought I was going to drop it in the toilet. It was massive and utterly ridiculous. I walked back down the hall toasting my DH in the waiting room with my beaker full of piss as I passed. I liked the doctor a lot. He was nice and seemed to know what he was doing. He spoke English very well and I practiced my French a little (I had the forethought on Saturday to look up the French word for Urinary tract infection before hitting the pharmacy - for those who need it for future reference it is une infection urinarire. Thank you Rick Steves.) So, back to the appointment. He said the urine looked ok. But it sounded like the symptoms of a UTI, so he gave me a prescription and a little plastic cup (like what I would have expected for the urine sample). I was to urinate, first thing in the morning in the cup and take it to the lab in Saint Genis. I knew where that was right? He explained I said, "OK" and he said call my secretary with the results. Or just stop by and I'll read it. I thought this a bit weird.

Ok, so yesterday I did as I was told. Took the sample to the lab they said come back for the results tomorrow after 5 pm. What!? It was 9:20 am. It was seriously going to take that long to see if I had a UTI or not? This is just not the way I'm used to things being done. In the States I would go to the doctors, pee in a little cup and they'd say "Yep, you got one." or "Nope, ya don't". If the sample had to go to a lab they would send, they would receive the results, and call me and tell me what I need to know. I am sitting here with the lab results thinking, “I wouldn't know what was important even if it was in English. I'm not a doctor!" Maybe this is why my doctor’s visit only cost me 25 Euros. Because the patient does all the leg work. It's a little crazy if you ask me. I am contemplating scanning the results and emailing them to him. Is that inappropriate? Really, I just don't feel like driving to Thoiry to wait around in his office till I can get a hold of him. Since he has no secretary it's not like I can just leave it with her/him. Life here can be terribly frustrating sometimes.

Well, it's close to supper time and Ally is giving me the huge why don't you ever feed me, I'm starving eyes. So I best be gettin' going. Besides, I'm sure you've had all the piss talk you can take for one day!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, "Yes, I am feeling better. Thanks for asking."
Also, I probably won't be posting for a few days because my monster week begins tomorrow. My first day of work 10-6:30. Did I mention I had to plan and am teaching the classes tomorrow? Um, yeah. STRESSFUL. Then I agreed to help out with the older kids production of Fantastic Mr. Fox so will go straight from the classes to rehearsal, Friday I'll be at their final dress from 4 pm - 10 pm, Saturday 2 shows one at 2:30 pm and one at 7 pm, and finish it off Sunday with a 2:30 show. Yikes, what have I gotten myself into? Not quite the easing back into work I had planned. Oh well, nothing better than to throw yourself in head first, huh?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, I don't have a whole lot going on so I thought I would just post some pictures of the cards I've been making lately! Nothing too exciting, but their pretty (at least I think so).
Isn't it funny how you sort of ignore a hobby when you have tons of time to work on it and the minute you think you'll no longer have copious free time you suddenly throw yourself into your hobby? Maybe I'm the only person who does that. I hadn't really spent much time playing around with my stamps and making cards until I started sending out my resumes and got a job interview.
Then, suddenly, all I wanted to do was sit around and make my cards. Silly really! But here are a few that I really like.
Here's one for Valentine's Day...not that we really celebrate this hallmark holiday in our house. But, maybe I'll make a card for my DH...or...just give him one I've already made. I guess I should do something with these cards. Like, uh, maybe send notes to my family and friends...but no. I make them and then they just sit on my craft table. I have a box full of ever increasing handmade cards that I suppose some day I will actually give to other people. Well, we can hope can't we? At least I have fun making them! I do have some people in mind for some of these cards. Like my little purple cat card here. It's got my sister's name written all over (not literally). I just have to get around to writing a little message and getting it in the mail -good luck on that. I've gotten into decorating the envelopes to go with
cards. I think it's sort of cute and clever. I could see how it could get a little out of hand and a little too much, but a few small stamps on the envelope isn't too bad. You have to be careful not to be too "twee" - a British English word I learned from a Brit in my ski class. After quite a bit of confusion I learned "twee" means overly matchy-matchy. Like that person wearing a hot pink and lime green stripped shirt with lime green hoop earrings, a hot pink scrunchy, and shoes that are hot pink and lime green. You know what I'm talking about, right? So, hope you enjoyed looking at a few of my cards. You're lucky I only posted pictures of four of them since I have an over flowing box and I could have posted pictures of ALL of them!!!

Maybe I'll have something more interesting to blog about later. Hey, at least you can look forward to a post about skiing in Italy. DH and I are signing up to join this weekend's CERN ski club trip to Tuile resort in Italy. Should be fun, I hear it has really great skiing there. so, we'll see.

p.s. you can click on any of the pictures if you want/need a bigger, clearer view.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Can I get a Huzzah!?!?

I have some good news to share. I was offered a part time job with the Theatre. Yeah!!! OK, OK it is contingent upon them being able to get a work permit for me, but they are working on it. Also, it isn't much of a job - it's only one day a week with the possibility of increase to a second day and eventually taking on an evening class of my own. But, it is something. In my opinion it is pretty perfect. If they can get the work permit and we can work out my needing to go back to the States in May for my sisters wedding...then I'll be getting out of the house, meeting some new people, working in/around a theatre atmosphere, AND I still get my lazy days at home with the dog, baking, making cards, attempting to keep the house clean, making sure I'm a competitor for the reading team, knitting, you get the point.

So, since I haven't really stated it, the offer is to work on Thursdays from 10:00 to 18:15 (which is 6:15 pm all you Americans) working in the office during the day and joining Jenna for the two classes I sat in on in my "interview". That was one class with 4-6 year olds and one class with 7-9 year olds. There is the possibility of extending the work hours to all day Fridays and perhaps an extra class on Wednesday evenings. I think it's very exciting! In my opinion it's the perfect way to slowly get back into working. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the work permit is approved and everything goes smoothly.

Gotta go pick up DH from the bus stop. Ally and I like to meet him at the bus stop on the days that he has to take the bus home. Oh and in case you're wondering I'm bribing him with homemade pizza for dinner and some fabulous dark chocolate for dessert. I couldn't find his favorite dark chocolate Tobelaron (spelling?) so I went out on a limb and got him something new.

* * *

It's much later now. The bus didn't arrive at the time it was supposed to. Ally and I wandered around for nearly a half an hour before we gave up on it. Mon pauvre mari (my poor husband) the bus never came so he waited out in the cold for over 30 minutes for the next bus. Needless to say Ally and I were not there to greet him. We gave up and came home when the bus he was supposed to be on never arrived. Now the whole house is full of good food and soon we'll be heading to bed. Ally is sacked out on the couch snoring loudly. Oh my god, it makes me laugh EVERY single time I hear her snoring. It is always funny to me.

Alrighty then, I'm tired so I'll talk to ya'll later.

p.s. check out this link it is the funniest:

The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You

yeah that's right hippo's first and foremost - who you callin' sassybaskets?!?! I have a stuffed hippo given to me by my DH - for those who don't know he lovingly calls me his little hippo - and the stuffed hippo is now called Sassybaskets. Someday she will wear a tutu and I'll walk around with her, yep just me and Sassybaskets.

Documentary Style

So, this morning was a bit interesting and new for me. A friend of ours, Martijn (sounds like Mart- eye-n though DH always says Martin), who is a Dutch physicists working at CERN was asked to be a part of a documentary some Dutch filmmakers were making about the Higgs particle. The Higgs particle is an as yet undiscovered particle that is the basis for some theory or another. Part of the goal of the experiment that DH is working on (ATLAS) is to prove the existence of this particle. Another experiment that is to run called CMS is also looking for this particle. The theory being if they both find it then there is definitive proof that it exists. If one finds it and one doesn't then possibly it's a mistake. So, anyhoo, Martijn and his wife Janice (whose American) take Tango lessons with us and also were in ski club with us as well. This Saturday Martijn asked if I would be free on Tuesday morning (this morning) to come down to CERN and maybe be a part of this documentary. I know nothing about this Higgs particle and physics in general but hey why not. I've got nothing better to do. So, this morning I went.

Turns out, though they asked him to bring along someone who wasn't really connected to the Higgs experiment they were looking more for someone who actually works at CERN. So, I dragged my DH into the process. Oh my, if looks could kill I would not be here typing this. He was adamant that he did not, under any circumstances, want to be filmed. But with a little cajoling I got him to do it with me. We were "interviewed" together and he did a fabulous job. He was funny and thoughtful and well spoken. I was, am, so proud of him for doing it. I know that he was really pissed off at me for making him do it, but in the end he said it was alright. He just gets so tense being in front of people. He's so worried about looking bad, but he was great. I do feel a bit bad about putting him in such a situation, but it turned out OK. And who knows, maybe he'll be seen on Dutch television. More likely than not we'll end up on the cutting room floor, but it was a fun experience (at least for me).

Now I have to think of some sort of bribe to get back into his good graces. Seriously, you should have seen his face when I asked him to come and do the interview with me. Because, let's face it they didn't want me. They wanted scientists and people who actually worked in the CERN community. I thought it was nice to have a husband and wife together. It was like straight out of the 50's, my job is to support and care for my husband, blah, blah, blah. Kinda funny really.

I just hope that my wonderful hubby realizes what a great job he did. He was wonderful and I'm so proud of him and I hope he's not too upset with me. It's good to challenge yourself occasionally, to make yourself do something that scares and intimidates you. Hmmm....maybe I should take some of my own advise. Nah, it's much easier to foist upon someone else! Perhaps, tomorrow I'll go out and do something brave - today I have to go grocery shopping (which takes a strength all of it's own!)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh dear, Puppy Fever!!!

Oh my gosh, look at her. She's so cute! This was the description posted at CERN:
We have a 3 month old puppy, a mix of 'ratier' and some other small breed, that was found abandoned in our car park, injured. We've had her repaired and she's now in fine form. She now needs to go to a good home. We would like her to go to a home where someone is around most of the day, has time, love and energy for this animal. She is the most affectionate dog we've (and the vets have) ever known and spends all day on our laps in the office. She does need training, she's still very young.

My Darling Husband has always been the one that wanted a second dog and I always say, "NO." It's too much work, it's too expensive, etc. And all those things still hold, but my heart is melting. No, we are not going to get this dog or another one - but it is really difficult to stay strong. No doubt she has already been adopted. That's what I'm going to keep telling myself because there is no way that we could possibly afford another dog. It is a ridiculous though. Thank god DH is being strong and reasonable about this. Although he is the one who sent me the photo and the little description. Darn him! But, no we can't get another dog. It would be insane. I'm trying to find a job, Ally would be miserable. She's way too old (almost 5 years old) to deal with a puppy. She'd be so jealous it would be ridiculous. Besides, with me not working that means I'm not bringing in any extra money to pay for a dog. I just have to keep reminding myself of the vet bills, dog food, kennel costs when we go on vacation, etc. AND it cost us an arm and a leg to bring Ally here from the U.S., can you imagine the expense bringing TWO dogs when we move back to the States. Absolutely, not. We can't do it.

Oh but, she's so darn cute. No. She's so loving. No. I've got to be strong. Puppies are evil. They are adorable and win your heart over then they pee all over your house. Besides, if we got another dog where would the hubby and I sleep? Our bed is already too full - yeah, of course we let Ally sleep in our bed we're suckers. You know when we got Ally (at 3 months old) we said, "The dog will NOT sleep on the bed. We'll put her in her kennel in our bedroom and she'll be fine." Yeah right. That lasted all of about 2 hours before we caved in and couldn't take her pitiful whining anymore. She's slept on the bed, on the couch, and now on the guest bed ever since. She's spoiled rotten. See, this is clearly an indication that we should NOT get another dog. Especially not a puppy. You know that the minute we caved and said, "ok, let's take the poor little mite." I'd get a job and I would no longer be home all day to take care of her and Ally. See, it's just a bad idea all around. I've got to stay strong. No more dogs in this house. It's hard enough keeping this joint clean with just the three of us, no need to add an untrained puppy to the mix.

Back me up here people. No dogs. Keep telling me it's a terrible idea. Besides the stray has no doubt been adopted. She's so cute how could she not have been? It's just a bad, bad, bad idea. See, I do have a rational part of me, it's just that sometimes (actually most of the time) my irrational side tries to beat down my rational side. It often succeeds, but not this time. No, my DH will stand strong. He will support the rational side and be totally practical because I don't know if I can withstand the assault by my irrational side. I have to. Must.....stand....strong.....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I've been Joost

Have you ever heard of Joost (pronounced juiced)? It is simultaneously my secret love and the bane of my existence. As you may or may not know we do not have a TV here in France, not that the French don't have television it's just that it hasn't been a huge priority for us. We've had so many other expenses in moving here, then returning to the States for our wedding that shelling out the Euros for a TV and then the additional cost of getting the satellite and all that junk just seemed unnecessary. For us having an internet connection was much more important than TV and just as good. And now that we have discovered Joost, a free computer installation that offers a variety of television shows, life is perfect. Well...maybe not perfect. The problem for me is that some days I could spend the entire day vegging out in front of a television. It's terrible. I watch the most ridiculous stuff that is utter trash, of no value whatsoever, and yet secretly I love it.
Yesterday I spent practically the whole day knitting little baby socks for my new niece - oh yeah, did I mention we have an adorable little niece. Brianna was born on February1st! - and watching Bridezilla. Yes, I repeat, Bridezilla! It is my guilty little pleasure. I know that I should turn it off or at least put on the history channel or national geographic - broaden my mind, or at least use my mind a little, but no. I can't do it. I am entranced by the brides-to-be rampaging through New York City. The tears, the drama, the snarkyness. I am utterly entranced and totally embarrassed to admit it, but there it is.

I kept going through my own actions as a recent bride wondering if I was that horrible? Did I snap unnecessarily at my family, friends, and then fiance? Did the tears come flooding out at the most insignificant things? Well, the answer to the last one has to be an emphatic yes considering my entire life revolves around a flood or tears over the most trivial and ridiculous things. I think that I wasn't too bad, I know throughout the whole process I kept saying to myself, "what really matters is that at the end of the day we'll be married." And really, that is what the whole day is about, isn't it? I'm sure I had my snippy bridezilla moments, but in comparison to the women who mesmerized me yesterday with their grotesque fixations with the color of table linens and the exact number of flowers per vase I was nothing. Yeah, I did burst into tears in the middle of the kitchen the morning of our wedding because the coffee wasn't ready yet. I just stood next to the sink sobbing, "I'm just so tired." And I truly was. I didn't want to be awake, my wonderful husband and I had stayed up late finishing off all the last minute things - like table numbers. Why oh why did we have to make a seating chart? We really should have just let people sit wherever they wanted, but no, we had to be clever and make cute little puzzle piece seating cards. Once at the hair salon I did better, but my eyes were so puffy I just kept thinking, this is last thing I wanted to happen on my wedding. it's supposed to be a day of fun and all I feel like doing is crawling back into bed. The hair dresser was so nice she gave me these things to put under my eyes to help reduce the puffiness (and she didn't charge me for them!) It was awesome, I looked like I was getting ready for an american football game. All I was missing was the helmet. Sexy, no?

In the end we had a gorgeous and fun day. Sure, a few minor things went wrong, but I didn't care and I'm sure our guests never even noticed. Oh, and by the time my dad and I were ready to walk down the aisle I had so much energy coursing through me. I no longer wanted to curl up and go to sleep. That might be because I actually did take a quick little cat nap (yep in my wedding dress) before the ceremony. We did things rather non-traditionally and took our wedding party pictures before the ceremony - yeah my groom saw me and it was wonderful, I don't regret it for a second. I was going to put a picture of me sprawled on the floor in my wedding gown but I realized it's not on this computer- oh wait, found it. Honestly, I don't think you could have found a bride who cared less about her dress being pristine for the ceremony. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my dress, it's just once I put it on for the day I was like, "OK, let's live it up." As long as it didn't rip I didn't care. The ceremony was outdoors, it was inevitable that it would get grass stained, but I thought, "really if all of our guests are noticing the grass stains on the hem of my gown then there is something wrong here." My maid of honor wanted to kill me, I'm sure. She kept grabbing up my train saying, "It's going to get dirty. it's going to get dirty." I was like, who cares? She apparently did very much. It was very sweet of her.

In the end we had a day full of fun and laughter, just as it should be. Some of the bridezillas I watched yesterday didn't even seem to be enjoying their day. One bride acted as though she didn't even want the groom to touch or kiss her for fear he would wrinkle her dress or ruin her make up. How ridiculous is that? I seriously wondered if some of those women really loved the man they were marrying or just the fact that they were getting married? The men must have loved them to put up with so much crap from their brides. If it's any indication to how their married life is going to go I feel sorry for those husbands!
Hey, maybe I am just as obsessed with my wedding as those bridezillas, I mean look I was married on September 1, 2007 and here it is February and I've found an excuse to talk about my wedding and post pictures too! hmmm....are all brides this consumed with their wedding even after it has passed? Maybe I just have it foremost in my mind not only from Bridezilla, but because we finally got our wedding album ordered and my mom picked it up for us. She says it looks fabulous. We approved the layout via emails and attachments, but I can't wait till we go back to the States in May - for my sisters wedding no less - and see the real deal. You ahve no idea how hard it was to pick out only 100 photos for our album. There were over 1400 photos taken! There were so many good ones, funny ones, touching ones, we had a terrible time narrowing it down. Luckily, we had the forethought to purchase the copyright to all of them so we can print out anyones we like. One of these days I'll have to sit down and make my own scrap book with all the silly pictures that didn't make it into the album. Actually, I could probably make about 3 scrapbooks with the number of photos we have! One really nice thing is that the photographer said he had never had as much fun with a bride as he had with me. I was goofy and willing to try things as well as had an idea of some funny pictures I wanted. One of my favorite pictures is my DH and I acting like monkeys, all decked out in our wedding attire in the middle of the road! Don't ask. Hey, at least I know on my wedding day I definitely wasn't a bridezilla. I just didn't really care at that point, you know what ever will be will be. in the end I think that's the best attitude you can have. Things might not have been perfect, but I didn't hear any major complaints from our guests. They all seemed to have a great time, dancing, eating, snacking on the candy buffet. We were surrounded by the people we love most in the world, we laughed most of the day, and had a beautiful sunshine filled day. Whether or not every little thing went as smoothly as it could it was the best day of my life. I wish I could do it again, exactly the same. It's funny I didn't want to take of my gown at the end of the night, even covered in grass stains and dirt I still loved wearing it!

OK, OK enough about my wedding. I'm sure there are some episodes of Bridezilla I haven't watched yet. Besides, I still have to finish my nieces second sock and perhaps I'll even be inspired to knit her a little matching hat...that would be cute. You know, I have no idea if these socks will even fit. They seem so incredibly small. And I didn't exactly follow a real baby sock/bootie pattern. I just sort of looked at sizes for baby booties and then made socks according to a sock pattern a friend (thanks Bereni) gave me when I first started knitting socks. So, I have no idea if these will fit or even stay on a new born babies foot...then again who knows when I'll get around to sending them. but, it's the thought that counts, right?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

nothing to say, really

that pretty much sums it up. I'm just not in the writing flow today. I've been trying to send out some more resumes and such and the usual ease I have in composing a short email is eluding me. I've been laboring half the day over proper wording and such. I don't know what it is with me today.
Maybe it's just the gray day, well there is some sun finally breaking through the clouds and lighting up the dreary sky. Ally is sacked out on the couch snoring away. God, she makes me laugh when she snores. For some reason it never gets old to me. I chuckle, or grin to myself every time I hear her.

I've been obsessively checking my email all day in the hopes of hearing from Simply Theatre or some other organization I've sent my resume to. Nothing so far. That's not really surprising. I don't expect to hear from anyone so soon. I doubt if I'll even hear anything from Simply Theatre this week. I mean, they had people in England last week interviewing so they'll need time to consider those candidates before making any decisions. I'll just have to bite my nails and wait it out. A part of me is not counting too much on an offer. It's easier to not be disappointed when things don't work out that way...yet, there's still a part of me that feels like a job there is a possibility. Maybe it's just that I hope I will get a job there it would sure beat the tedium of an office job - filing papers, making copies, answering phones, typing letters, etc....

Yet, there's even another part of me that would just like to remain unemployed. Lazing around on the couch with a good book and my dog. Working sporadically on my various crafts. Knitting part of a sleeve one day, making cards the next. Afternoon walks with the dog and occasional fits of Martha Stewart baking (I'm attempting some Herb batter bread today - we'll see how it fairs). I know that I moan about being unemployed and how boring it is to be at home yet when the thought of actual employment enters the picture I suddenly cherish my days at home. Hmmm....nut job is what comes to mind. I know deep down that I will enjoy working if I can find a job. Meeting new people and getting out of the house would definitely be good for me. I don't want to turn into a complete hermit. Luckily, I'm married so I can't become a crazy, spinster dog lady (spinster? can you tell I've been reading Jane Austen?).

OK enough for now. I'm sure your growing bored of reading my erratic musings and I have a good book awaiting me. I just can't seem to stop reading. Books just transport you, don't they? They do me. well, more on that later. I don't want to test your patience with too much tedium!

Friday, February 1, 2008

boom chica boom!

I said, "Boom"
I said, "Boom chicka"
I said, "Boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka BOOM!
Uh hu
one more time. Scared style.
That was a warm-up we did with the kids that they loved and I thought was a good bit of fun!

Well, my nerves are no longer fraying, I had a lot of fun being a part of the two Theatre classes I attended yesterday. I did a fair job of leading some activities and the kids seemed to like me quite a bit. I wouldn't say that I was outstanding, but I think that I did show that I have a pretty good relationship with kids. I don't know why, but kids just seem to naturally like me. Maybe it's because I smile so much and make goofy faces at them. They seem to like my DH too, although he claims he doesn't know what to do with them...I'm rather at a loss myself at times.

Random story inserted here: One time my DH and I were at the beach, Virginia Beach, I believe it was. We were lazing around on our beach blankets enjoying the sun when we both got bored with whatever trashy novels we were reading. I said, "I'm going to build a sand castle, want to help me?" He decided that he would much rather dig a hole, than build a sand castle - he loves digging holes, which is a complete mystery to me. He does it every time we go to the beach! Anyways, we each started on our separate ventures when two little people started watching us. They had been playing with their family just a few feet away. They kept creeping closer and closer to us. A young girl and her little brother. Eventually, we noticed their avid attention to our activities and said hello. They wanted to join us. We said, as long as it's ok with your parents of course they could. They were given the go ahead in French no less - it seems they were from Quebec and the little girl joined me in my building and the little boy quickly jumped down into the DH's rapidly increasing hole. Those kids probably spent nearly an hour with us! Two strangers at the beach. What's that about? And it hasn't been our only experience like that! We don't have kids. Maybe it's just that when there's only the two of us around we act like kids - especially when we feel like we're on vacation.

So, back to the main point, kids seem to like me (and my husband) these 4-6 year olds and 7-9 year olds were no different. I did all the activities with them and they were my fast friends within minutes! Near the end of the 45 minute class one little boy, Freddie, who I believe was the youngest in the class of 4-6 year olds grabbed me around my waist declaring, "I love you!" very proudly. I have a feeling he does this to many people. He seemed very affectionate - he kept kissing other kids throughout the class. Better watch it Freddie, when you get older that could be considered unwanted physical attention! hee, hee, hee

I led an activity about props and how normal items, with your imagination can become anything you'd like. I don't think I did very well in explaining this to the kids because I was a bit flustered. My leading the activity was sort of thrust upon me just before the class began and then when it was my turn I wasn't really all that prepared. Oh well, I did the best I could and the kids seemed to have fun with it.

The second class was full of 7-9 year olds and their class lasted an hour and 15 minutes. The kids were great if a little wound up, and once again, after about 15 minutes 2 of the little girls decided they wanted to sit by me, hold my hands, do all the activities with me. What can I say, I"m cool to 8 year old girls. I led another activity with this class. I felt more confident about this game, since it was one that I had thought up and presented to Jenna, the teacher and director of the Theatre Academy. I felt I explained this better, but these kids were much more rambunctious so when we moved around the room - we were doing silly walks - they ran into each other. Here's the exercise you start off walking normally, then when call something out you change and walk like that. For example walk with your forehead leading. You walk with your forehead being the first part of your body forward, walk as tall as you can - you stretch your whole body and stand on your tippy toes, walk as heavy as you can. Feel as though your entire body is made of lead. you get the picture?
Since the kids were just beginning to talk about developing characters and "who" they are in scenes this exercise was to get them started thinking about how they could use their body to portray different people. Like, an old woman doesn't walk the same as a 9 year old, how would you change your body to tell the audience you were an old person with out using words?

I had minimal success with this exercise. I immediately realized things that I would do differently were I ever to do this activity with kids of that age again. Luckily, the kids seemed to have fun walking around in different silly ways and it got them moving after a game where they had spent a good deal of time sitting. On the down side they hadn't really expended all their energy so they were still antsy when we sat down to talk a little bit more about the exercise. I'm not entirely sure how my performance went in the eyes of Jenna (who will most likely decide on whether or not I should be hired) but I did my best and that's all you can do.

She is very nice and an amazing teacher - I could learn so much from working with her. She did say that I had a nice way with kids and that they responded to me well. I don't know if she was just trying to find something polite to say or what....all I can do is wait and see!