Sunday, August 24, 2008

early morning beauty

Some mornings it's actually a joy to get up and walk Ally. The mornings when the sky is clear and the sun is rising turning the sky and the mountains varying shades of pinks. It's breathtaking.

I love the quiet stillness of the wakening day as Ally and I make our way around the still neighborhood.

The Jura Mountains

Ally runs free off her leash through the tall, dew-covered grass. Her happiness apparent in the lolling of her pink tongue and incessant wagging of her tail. She lopes along sniffing out the scent of rabbits and other fuzzy creatures she'd love to chase about.

Ally's joyous romp across the field gives me moment to turn my eyes to the splendor of the Alps at sunrise. A moment to silently contemplate the world that surrounds me. It's these quiet moments that...that what? Reminds you how lucky you are. Gives you that peaceful, contentment. A great start to the day.

After a good long gaze, I've had my fill of majestic contemplation. A sharp whistle brings a panting Ally to my side and it's time to head home to nice warm cup of coffee. And the beginning of a brand new day.

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