Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ally Babba strikes Again!

Upon our return from tracking down a place to rent skis for the season, a bit of grocery shopping and christmas tree hunting (with no success, I might add) we discovered our little butter thief had struck again.
AGAIN? you might ask incredulously? haven't you learned yet not to leave your butter where that roly-poly puppy can get it? And the answer is I did try. The butter dish with it's cover was in the dish drainer having just washed it and I didn't have time to dry it and put the butter in. I shoved the butter to the back of the counter and put a jar of instant coffee in front of it, figuring that was barricade enough - I was, obviously, wrong.
We came home to more half eaten butter and a contrite little princess. It was pretty hilarious she walked in a big arc around the butter studiously ignoring it, like "What? I didn't do anything. Oh my! There's butter on the ground, how did that get there?" As if by disassociating herself from it would prove her innocence, but I know better.

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