Monday, October 22, 2007

Martha Stewart of France

Yep, just call me Martha Mosslins please. Since I have discovered all this free time on my hands - granted it's free time I should be putting to better use, like finding a job, volunteering, or learning French - I have gotten the baking bug. Scary, I know. As many of you know my skills in the kitchen are dubious, at best. But, I do seem to have a knack for baking, thanks mom. I'm sure these talents with a pastry fork were past while in the womb from my mother - the world's best baker. Then again, I did spend a year working in a bakery in Williamsburg, Virginia so that might have something to do with it as well. Who knows? The point is, I have become a fanatic about baking. I like to try out something new each week. Josh, naturally, wants the same things over and over: chocolate snack cake, for example, but that's just not much fun.
Today I was feeling adventurous so I went on a mission into the neighbors yard to steal some apples. After fending off their massive boxer, Picasso...ok, really all I had to worry about was being slobbered on. He's so nice and all he wants is company. The only danger I was in was drowning in his drool as he jumped all over me when I entered the gate. I brought Ally along as a distraction but she's all but worthless. Our pretty, pretty princess puppy does not care to be drooled on, has no desire to run around and play with the much bigger Picasso, and was merely glad to be able to roll around in the grass. So, to get on with the apple stealing. I scrambled up the small, ivy entangled apple tree, which guards Picasso's dog house and started pulling off the best looking apples. Having not thought ahead I am now stuck with my hands full of apples and no good way to get down. I think about dropping them but they'd probably land on the dogs, who are now standing there watching my every move. They probably think I'm getting these juicy apples as a treat for them. As I'm thinking this Picasso lifts his leg and gently pees on the base of the apple tree - is he trying to encourage me to remain up in the tree forever, or is this his way of saying "good luck"? Thanks buddy.
A bit of juggling and the use of my shirt as a basket and I safely find my two feet planted solidly on the ground with the prized apples in possession. Time to start the baking.
After a quick, get away from Picasso. Throw a ball in one direction and run in the other; works every time. Ally heads to the couch for her daily nap - stealing apples is hard work- and I head to the kitchen to start my first attempt at a pie crust. The goal of today's baking is to end up with a Country Apple Tart. I put on Saturday's Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me and get busy making the pastry.
Yep, I even wear an apron. My baking has gotten better but the floury mess I make has not. As you can see I was successful in putting all the ingredients together and getting not only my tart crust, but the filling made as well. Let's here it for Martha Mosslins!!! wooohooo.
Check out that lovely, unbaked Apple tart. It's just begging to be put in that hot, 475 degree F (which is like 246 degree C) oven. Actually, the conversions get me all the time so I had my fingers crossed that I actually had it at the right temperature et voila, after about 30 minutes out it comes.
Hey, hey not too shabby, huh? Alright, you can see a few places got a little singed. It's my first try I'm hopeful that it will be prettier next time, but I have no doubts it'll taste fabulous. I'll have to give you the report after we try some out tonight with Vanilla ice cream. Can you believe that I didn't even taste it when it was hot out of the oven? No, I can't believe it either. Married life sure has changed me. To think just a few months ago I would have eaten it all myself, but now that I'm married I think of my hubby first... Ha! who am I kidding? I just didn't have any vanilla ice cream - Josh is going to get some on his way home!
Well, thanks for sharing in my exciting baking adventures. Now I'm off to do a little knitting. what, did you think I'd do something productive like clean the house or look for jobs? I did that this morning. Maybe I'll go straighten my underwear drawer - just kidding, even I'm not that Martha Stewartish!
Well, this is Martha Mosslins saying Bon Appetite!

1 comment:

Bereni (BEAR-wren-knee) said...

Oh, yum! Okay, if you are going to post delicious looking pictures like that, you are going to have to start posting recipes, as well!