Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spring is in the air!!!

Oh what a lovely weekend! I think that spring is finally here to stay. I don't wan to jinx myself but it is May so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Seems like the last time we had a stretch of really nice weather and the tulips started blooming we were hit with 4 days of let's hope that doesn't happen again.

I love the springtime here. We took Ally on a nice long walk this afternoon in the Jura's. We found a new path up into the reserve - quite an adventure! I will admit that I experienced a bit of anxiety despite the gorgeous day. Why? Because dogs aren't actually allowed in the National Reserve. It is tres bizarre! In a country where dogs are welcomed into restaurants, boulangeries, and even some grocery stores they are banned from enjoying the National wilderness. Can anyone explain to me what that is all about?

Now, I admit I have never actually seen another human being up on the trails behind our house but after my brush with the bus police I couldn't help feeling a bit worried that this would be that one time when the French National Reserve Rangers would be out looking for rule breakers. Honestly, I don't even know if there are rangers or what but that doesn't mean I didn't express my doubts to my husband, who dismissed them out of hand as ridiculous. Some day I will say, "I told you so, I told you so." But today is, thankfully, not that day because although my ego would have been satisfied in being proven right I don't think our pocketbook could handle the fine that would inevitably follow!! Sadly, pleading that you are an ignorant foreign doesn't usually save you. In those sorts of situations you find that ignorance is not bliss. hee, hee

One of my great pleasures in living in the foothills of the Jura Mountains is hiking up the hills about a half a mile or so and getting a stunning view of land around us. Right now as you gaze across France into Switzerland your eyes are met with a patchwork quilt of greens and yellows. Who knew there could be so many different shades of green in nature? The fields of yellow and green are broken up with the red tiled roofs of the farmhouses and the cluster of neighborhoods. And in the background you can see the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, a slight haze making them appear less distinct than usual. But still majestic in their way. It is awe inspiring how beautiful nature can be. I wish I had taken my camera so I could share such a sight with you...but, in truth, even the camera can't capture the scope and complexity that mother nature has laid before us in our little corner of the world. I guess you'll just have to come and see it for yourselves!


doctor's mom said...

We don't need pictures...your vivid descriptions bring the view to life. Sounds gorgeous. Hopefully we will be able to see it for ourselves, if not, then at least I can "picture" it in my mind. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

The Moss's said...

Just one comment, haven't you learned your lesson. Don't want you into end up in one of those jails or better yet they might put you in the Foreign Legion. (Do they take women).

Love you