Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Yesterday we got our Christmas tree! Yay! Now it really feels like christmas is just around the corner. the house smells of pine and in the evening there's the lovely glow from the Christmas tree lights. I love it. I think I'm just super excited this year for Christmas because my whole family will be here and I can't wait to share with them what it's like to live here.

So, to get ourselves headed in the right direction for a big family Christmas inFrance we went out to Botanic (the local garden store) and bought a lovely little Christmas tree and some ornamnents.

I don't know if you can really see in the photo but instead of a metal stand that you can put water in here they have a section of stump that they drill a hole in and put the tree down in! It's pretty cool Granted you can't really water the tree...but we didn't water ours last year and it lasted for quite a long time. Keep your fingrs crossed that this one holds up just as well. I'd hate for it to be brown and dropping needles before Christmas!

It was fun to decorate and the hubbster was fabulous in making hooks for the new bulbs we'd bought. I didn't get a really great picture of the tree, but here it is in all it's decorated glory.

And in it's lit splendor.

Joyeux Noel !!!


doctor's mom said...

What a great tree! Hard to believe that this will be your second Christmas in France! Glad you will have family to share it with...wish we could be there too, but that's not possible...maybe in the spring...that's what we're shooting for. Love to you both and keep on makes me feel like you two are not so far away! (watch the mail)

Unknown said...

It looks great in the pictures and I'm sure it will be even better when we see it in person. We're counting down (not till Christmas) but to the 19th when we will see you!