Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas is gone, my family jumped on a plane yesterday for home and now we are left with an empty (very messy) apartment. It was great having my family here- admittedly a little stressful for everyone at times, but wonderful. I can't wait to look through all the photos we've taken.

Now that the family is gone we're trying to catch up on our sleep and get the house back in shape. Unfortunately, I'm sick. I'd been fighting with a stuffy nose and clogged sinuses most of my families visits and now that I've let myself relax a little it's really hitting me. On top of that my face is all broken out in cold sores. it's disgusting and painful. I've never had a cold sore in my life and now it seems every time I look in the bathroom mirror another one is forming. I think I have about 8 at present. What really sucks is I don't know how to get rid of them. I tried calling the doctor because I was feeling pretty miserable and he's on vacation until January 5, did I want to make an appointment for then? Of course not, by then I'll hopefully be feeling better. Geeze, you'd think a doctors office would have more sense than that. Do people normally call up wanting to make appointments for a week later? Anyways I found another doctor who can get me in on Wednesday. I figured I could handle another couple of days without going over the deep end.

So, it was wonderful to have my family, I miss them already. But I am relieved to be able to sleep in my own bed. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to look through pictures from the last week and post some good ones. right now I think I'll try and take a little nap.


Sara said...

you can get a topical cream for them over the counter in france (and i think in switzerland too?) just ask for it at the pharmacy. i think it works best if you use it right when you get them, but it cant hurt to try (in case you didnt already know, tell the pharmacist you want something for "bouton de fièvre")

The Moss's said...

So, so happy you were able to spend the holiday with your family and so, so sorry your sick. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Get some much needed rest, don't worry about cleaning til you get to feeling better.

Happy New Year with love to you both.

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better. We had a great time and it was wonderful all being together(even though there were a few stressful moments).We've been looking at our pictures and printing some out, can't wait to see everyone's pictures. We woke up to about 8" of snow and it is still snowing, just what we need for New Year's Eve. We're staying home. Happy New Year to you both.
Mom & Dad