Monday, April 14, 2008

Healthy? I think not.

Who on earth decided that jogging was a healthy thing to do? If I ever find them I'll wring their scrawny little neck! As perhaps you have guessed by the previous statements I thought it would be a good idea to start jogging. After taking Ally to Botanic, the local garden/pet store, and discovering that she weighs about 85 pounds I decided that our daily hour long afternoon walks just weren't doing the trick.

Both the hubby and I had deluded ourselves into thinking that she looked a bit slimmer but the scales do not lie. Perhaps we thought she looked so svelte because of the tubba-bubba we pick up on our daily walks past the farm. Let me explain. There are some nice paths down the road that go past our neighbors farm through a bunch of fields, past a horse paddock to ...well I don't know exactly where the path ends I've never continued on straight. At different points the path breaks off and you can do two different loops. I find this a good place to walk Ally because I can let her off her leash and we don't have to worry about traffic. There is a house near the farm on this path where a very large, friendly, Black Lab lives. He is adorable. He also enjoys accompanying us on our walks. As soon as he sees us he gets up and starts ferociously wagging his tail. If the driveway gate is open he immediately joins us, if it's closed we pass by and the next thing I know he's trotting down the path after us. Obviously, he has an escape route from his fenced in yard. He is a lovable, happy, old lab who stays with us the whole walk. In fact, there have been times I've tried to send him home because we were crossing the road and would be going where there was traffic. Besides, I didn't want to be responsible to making sure he got back home. But, I couldn't shake him and he followed us all through our neighborhood.

I was actually stopped by a little old lady who wanted to know why I didn't have him on a leash. I explained he wasn't my dog (Ally was on her leash) he just followed us. I had a brief conversation in stunted French with this lady and by the end of it she was ranting about la rage - rabies. I assured her that Ally was vaccinated and I was sure the other dog was fine. Oh by the way, Ally my actual dog was pulling to get going and antsy. Tubba-bubba, not my dog, just sat by my side panting happily waiting for me to continue on. No wonder people thought he was my dog!

So in comparison to Tubby there Ally looks like an anorexic super model! I let this comparison lull me into a false sense that she was losing weight and getting healthier. So, to make a long story short...hmmm...too late. I decided a little jogging would be beneficial for both me and Ally. Especially considering how it took me all afternoon last Wednesday to recover from my little jog to catch the bus.

We, Ally and I, went for a jog yesterday afternoon. It was tough, but we stuck with it. And this morning my knee was sore. I mentioned it to my husband and said I didn't think I'd go jogging today because of it. He thought that I should go jogging today to loosen up my muscles and that my knee would probably feel better after. How wrong he was. Well, to be truth while I was jogging my knee didn't really bother me but afterwards it did. Plus it was a little swollen. So I iced it down with some peas and watched a little JOOST. Sadly, I am now hooked on some stupid British reality show called Psychic Private Eyes. It's awesome. I don't know if I really believe in Psychics and stuff, but it would be utterly fascinating if it were true.

OK, I need to go get the peas again. My knee is starting to throb a bit. Damn exercise, what idiot declared it was good for your health?

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