Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh dear, Puppy Fever!!!

Oh my gosh, look at her. She's so cute! This was the description posted at CERN:
We have a 3 month old puppy, a mix of 'ratier' and some other small breed, that was found abandoned in our car park, injured. We've had her repaired and she's now in fine form. She now needs to go to a good home. We would like her to go to a home where someone is around most of the day, has time, love and energy for this animal. She is the most affectionate dog we've (and the vets have) ever known and spends all day on our laps in the office. She does need training, she's still very young.

My Darling Husband has always been the one that wanted a second dog and I always say, "NO." It's too much work, it's too expensive, etc. And all those things still hold, but my heart is melting. No, we are not going to get this dog or another one - but it is really difficult to stay strong. No doubt she has already been adopted. That's what I'm going to keep telling myself because there is no way that we could possibly afford another dog. It is a ridiculous though. Thank god DH is being strong and reasonable about this. Although he is the one who sent me the photo and the little description. Darn him! But, no we can't get another dog. It would be insane. I'm trying to find a job, Ally would be miserable. She's way too old (almost 5 years old) to deal with a puppy. She'd be so jealous it would be ridiculous. Besides, with me not working that means I'm not bringing in any extra money to pay for a dog. I just have to keep reminding myself of the vet bills, dog food, kennel costs when we go on vacation, etc. AND it cost us an arm and a leg to bring Ally here from the U.S., can you imagine the expense bringing TWO dogs when we move back to the States. Absolutely, not. We can't do it.

Oh but, she's so darn cute. No. She's so loving. No. I've got to be strong. Puppies are evil. They are adorable and win your heart over then they pee all over your house. Besides, if we got another dog where would the hubby and I sleep? Our bed is already too full - yeah, of course we let Ally sleep in our bed we're suckers. You know when we got Ally (at 3 months old) we said, "The dog will NOT sleep on the bed. We'll put her in her kennel in our bedroom and she'll be fine." Yeah right. That lasted all of about 2 hours before we caved in and couldn't take her pitiful whining anymore. She's slept on the bed, on the couch, and now on the guest bed ever since. She's spoiled rotten. See, this is clearly an indication that we should NOT get another dog. Especially not a puppy. You know that the minute we caved and said, "ok, let's take the poor little mite." I'd get a job and I would no longer be home all day to take care of her and Ally. See, it's just a bad idea all around. I've got to stay strong. No more dogs in this house. It's hard enough keeping this joint clean with just the three of us, no need to add an untrained puppy to the mix.

Back me up here people. No dogs. Keep telling me it's a terrible idea. Besides the stray has no doubt been adopted. She's so cute how could she not have been? It's just a bad, bad, bad idea. See, I do have a rational part of me, it's just that sometimes (actually most of the time) my irrational side tries to beat down my rational side. It often succeeds, but not this time. No, my DH will stand strong. He will support the rational side and be totally practical because I don't know if I can withstand the assault by my irrational side. I have to. Must.....stand....strong.....


doctor's mom said...

Yes, the puppy is adorable...but you must stay strong!! You are so right about the expense and everything...and she has probably already been adopted. Do you think they'd ship her here? No, No, NO!! I, too, must stay strong, but she is too cute for words! And look at it this way...she probably doesn't even "speak" English! ha ha

The Moss's said...

Working at the animal hospial, I feel your pain. But then again, I have 2 yorkies, 2 cats and Kahlua.
All those puppies come in, some of them pretty sick and some not so sick but the owners can't afford to fix them up so they turn them over "GUBO" is what they are called. (Give up by owner). They looked so scared and just a quiet voice and smile, makes them wag a tale and kinda smile at you - you just melt. Wish I could take them all home.