Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, I don't have a whole lot going on so I thought I would just post some pictures of the cards I've been making lately! Nothing too exciting, but their pretty (at least I think so).
Isn't it funny how you sort of ignore a hobby when you have tons of time to work on it and the minute you think you'll no longer have copious free time you suddenly throw yourself into your hobby? Maybe I'm the only person who does that. I hadn't really spent much time playing around with my stamps and making cards until I started sending out my resumes and got a job interview.
Then, suddenly, all I wanted to do was sit around and make my cards. Silly really! But here are a few that I really like.
Here's one for Valentine's Day...not that we really celebrate this hallmark holiday in our house. But, maybe I'll make a card for my DH...or...just give him one I've already made. I guess I should do something with these cards. Like, uh, maybe send notes to my family and friends...but no. I make them and then they just sit on my craft table. I have a box full of ever increasing handmade cards that I suppose some day I will actually give to other people. Well, we can hope can't we? At least I have fun making them! I do have some people in mind for some of these cards. Like my little purple cat card here. It's got my sister's name written all over (not literally). I just have to get around to writing a little message and getting it in the mail -good luck on that. I've gotten into decorating the envelopes to go with
cards. I think it's sort of cute and clever. I could see how it could get a little out of hand and a little too much, but a few small stamps on the envelope isn't too bad. You have to be careful not to be too "twee" - a British English word I learned from a Brit in my ski class. After quite a bit of confusion I learned "twee" means overly matchy-matchy. Like that person wearing a hot pink and lime green stripped shirt with lime green hoop earrings, a hot pink scrunchy, and shoes that are hot pink and lime green. You know what I'm talking about, right? So, hope you enjoyed looking at a few of my cards. You're lucky I only posted pictures of four of them since I have an over flowing box and I could have posted pictures of ALL of them!!!

Maybe I'll have something more interesting to blog about later. Hey, at least you can look forward to a post about skiing in Italy. DH and I are signing up to join this weekend's CERN ski club trip to Tuile resort in Italy. Should be fun, I hear it has really great skiing there. so, we'll see.

p.s. you can click on any of the pictures if you want/need a bigger, clearer view.


Bereni (BEAR-wren-knee) said...

Great cards! Oh, Gerry and Stephen have now seen your blog. Heh heh heh.... The attacking chimp of your last post reminded me of my happiest moment in Stanislavski training today. I had the entire roomful of AI's jumping around, clapping their hands and chattering like chimps. Including Phil, Kevin, James and Stephen!

The Moss's said...

Say I think we ought to go into business.... We'll call it Mossmark.