Tuesday, February 5, 2008

nothing to say, really

that pretty much sums it up. I'm just not in the writing flow today. I've been trying to send out some more resumes and such and the usual ease I have in composing a short email is eluding me. I've been laboring half the day over proper wording and such. I don't know what it is with me today.
Maybe it's just the gray day, well there is some sun finally breaking through the clouds and lighting up the dreary sky. Ally is sacked out on the couch snoring away. God, she makes me laugh when she snores. For some reason it never gets old to me. I chuckle, or grin to myself every time I hear her.

I've been obsessively checking my email all day in the hopes of hearing from Simply Theatre or some other organization I've sent my resume to. Nothing so far. That's not really surprising. I don't expect to hear from anyone so soon. I doubt if I'll even hear anything from Simply Theatre this week. I mean, they had people in England last week interviewing so they'll need time to consider those candidates before making any decisions. I'll just have to bite my nails and wait it out. A part of me is not counting too much on an offer. It's easier to not be disappointed when things don't work out that way...yet, there's still a part of me that feels like a job there is a possibility. Maybe it's just that I hope I will get a job there it would sure beat the tedium of an office job - filing papers, making copies, answering phones, typing letters, etc....

Yet, there's even another part of me that would just like to remain unemployed. Lazing around on the couch with a good book and my dog. Working sporadically on my various crafts. Knitting part of a sleeve one day, making cards the next. Afternoon walks with the dog and occasional fits of Martha Stewart baking (I'm attempting some Herb batter bread today - we'll see how it fairs). I know that I moan about being unemployed and how boring it is to be at home yet when the thought of actual employment enters the picture I suddenly cherish my days at home. Hmmm....nut job is what comes to mind. I know deep down that I will enjoy working if I can find a job. Meeting new people and getting out of the house would definitely be good for me. I don't want to turn into a complete hermit. Luckily, I'm married so I can't become a crazy, spinster dog lady (spinster? can you tell I've been reading Jane Austen?).

OK enough for now. I'm sure your growing bored of reading my erratic musings and I have a good book awaiting me. I just can't seem to stop reading. Books just transport you, don't they? They do me. well, more on that later. I don't want to test your patience with too much tedium!

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