Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Documentary Style

So, this morning was a bit interesting and new for me. A friend of ours, Martijn (sounds like Mart- eye-n though DH always says Martin), who is a Dutch physicists working at CERN was asked to be a part of a documentary some Dutch filmmakers were making about the Higgs particle. The Higgs particle is an as yet undiscovered particle that is the basis for some theory or another. Part of the goal of the experiment that DH is working on (ATLAS) is to prove the existence of this particle. Another experiment that is to run called CMS is also looking for this particle. The theory being if they both find it then there is definitive proof that it exists. If one finds it and one doesn't then possibly it's a mistake. So, anyhoo, Martijn and his wife Janice (whose American) take Tango lessons with us and also were in ski club with us as well. This Saturday Martijn asked if I would be free on Tuesday morning (this morning) to come down to CERN and maybe be a part of this documentary. I know nothing about this Higgs particle and physics in general but hey why not. I've got nothing better to do. So, this morning I went.

Turns out, though they asked him to bring along someone who wasn't really connected to the Higgs experiment they were looking more for someone who actually works at CERN. So, I dragged my DH into the process. Oh my, if looks could kill I would not be here typing this. He was adamant that he did not, under any circumstances, want to be filmed. But with a little cajoling I got him to do it with me. We were "interviewed" together and he did a fabulous job. He was funny and thoughtful and well spoken. I was, am, so proud of him for doing it. I know that he was really pissed off at me for making him do it, but in the end he said it was alright. He just gets so tense being in front of people. He's so worried about looking bad, but he was great. I do feel a bit bad about putting him in such a situation, but it turned out OK. And who knows, maybe he'll be seen on Dutch television. More likely than not we'll end up on the cutting room floor, but it was a fun experience (at least for me).

Now I have to think of some sort of bribe to get back into his good graces. Seriously, you should have seen his face when I asked him to come and do the interview with me. Because, let's face it they didn't want me. They wanted scientists and people who actually worked in the CERN community. I thought it was nice to have a husband and wife together. It was like straight out of the 50's, my job is to support and care for my husband, blah, blah, blah. Kinda funny really.

I just hope that my wonderful hubby realizes what a great job he did. He was wonderful and I'm so proud of him and I hope he's not too upset with me. It's good to challenge yourself occasionally, to make yourself do something that scares and intimidates you. Hmmm....maybe I should take some of my own advise. Nah, it's much easier to foist upon someone else! Perhaps, tomorrow I'll go out and do something brave - today I have to go grocery shopping (which takes a strength all of it's own!)


doctor's mom said...

Good for Both of you!! I'm glad you kinda forced him to do it...you are right, he just needs to put himself out there...he is really smart and well-spoken...he just needs more self-confidence!! I am sure he is not really mad at you,...just unsure of himself. Make him some chocolate goodies and I know all will be forgiven! (food bribes always work with husbands!)

The Moss's said...

Unbelieveable...the jokester, the prankster, the nutty professor who would lead the pack in doing crazy things as a child....mmmmmm has he become all grown up.....nawwwwwww
I sure hope not, we love you Josh.
Oh yea, hints on how to help him get over it, maybe a little sexy lingerie.... need I say more.

Melanie said...

Apparently, he read your comment before I did and when I said I was making him pizza he said, "you should have followed the advice posted and put on some sexy lingerie instead."

Oops, now I know for next time. then again the night is young....cue evil laughter as the in-laws shudder