Saturday, February 23, 2008

Isn't it funny that you don't work forever then suddenly you are thrown into the longest workday you've had in ages? Thursday was my first day working at the Theatre. I started off at 10 am learning a little about the office and was set to work doing invoices. A simple, and rather mindless task, although time consuming. Not a terrible job to have on your first day. I did that till about 3:15 when my computer crashed. Let me tell you, the computer they let me use is just about as slow as molasses. I haven't been this impatient since I was using my parents dial-up computer. No doubt this contributed to the amount of time the invoices were taking me. I spent about 30 minutes getting myself ready for my two classes. Did I mention that my first day there I had to plan and teach TWO classes? Yikes! This weekend is a performance of "Fantastic Mr. Fox" for the older kids so all the other teachers were at a different theatre rehearsing. So, I was alone in my classes...well besides the kids there was Rachel, who works in the office. She was my moral support and on hand in case the kids got way too out of control. Earlier that morning we got a call at the office from the other teacher asking if I could combine the 7 kids from his 11-12 year old class with my 15 kids from the 7-9 year old class. I said, "No."
I mean really, what were they thinking? This is my first day. And I'd seen those 7-9 year olds in action. I couldn't imagine adding more! They would be completely insane. Besides, I don't think a 7 year old and a 12 year old have a whole lot in common. Do you? So they canceled that class since they didn't have a teacher available. A little part of me thought, "Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into now? Another completely disorganized, fly by the seat of our pants theatre." I guess we shall see.

So, my classes went pretty well. The 7-9 year olds were a bit out of control - testing their limits with the new teacher and all. I think I handled them fairly well. There was only one fist fight. Just kidding, but there was some small altercation during one of the exercises where one girl accidentally hit another girl in the eye and then that girl "accidentally" hit the other girl in the eye. Whew! We eventually straightened it all out and everyone left happy. The classes were finished around 6:15 and the last kids were gone by about 6:30 pm at which time I jumped into my car and headed into Geneva to find the theatre and catch the end of the "Mr. Fox" rehearsal. I'm helping out backstage.

After being lost for a half an hour in downtown Geneva I finally found a parking garage in the genera area of the theatre and wandered around another 15 minutes or so before I actually found it. By the time I got home that night it was nearly midnight. I ate some dinner and collapsed in bed. Geeze, when I do things I don't do them by halves, do I? At least not starting out a new job. Well, I gotta go get showered and into Geneva for the first performance of "Fantastic Mr. Fox". Oh I wish I had pictures to post of the kids in their costumes, they are adorable. All these furry little creatures running around, it's just too cute!

1 comment:

Bereni (BEAR-wren-knee) said...

That does sound like a looong day. You are feeling much better, then, I hope?