Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cider insider her

Home to my beautiful bride
She'll not feel so rotten
As soon as she's gotten
Some Cider inside her inside!

(a chorus of 8-12 year olds all singing)

Cider inside of her
cider inside of her
Cider inside of her
cider inside her inside

So imagine, if you will, a stage full of 8 -12 year olds dressed in adorable fuzzy animal costumes waving about jugs of cider and singing this little ditty. Pretty hysterical. If only I could sing it to you the damn song would be stuck in your head as well. The few songs in Fantastic Mr. Fox really stick in your head. It's infuriating sometimes. I've been humming the cider song for about 3 days now and every now and then I bust into a song whose only words are digga digga dig! Aaahhh.

But other than having annoying songs stuck in my head this weekend went very well. I was totally impressed with the professionalism of the kids, and though I did have to be the silence police, they were great. All three performances were sold out and a talent agent came to their Sunday performance. She told Tom and Jenna (the owners and operators of the theatre and the drama academy) that these were the most professional children she'd seen. Isn't that great? Now when she needs to cast kids she'll think of the Theatre academy. What a wonderful boost for the academy. I hope I can live up to such high teaching standards! hee, hee
Thank god I'm teaching the wee little ones.

On a totally different note, at my first rehearsal one thing that struck me was that there was a 10 year old playing a drunk rat. It was a short bit and the kid was hysterical, but I just kept thinking, "This would never fly in the States." Can you hear the complaints pouring in from parents if there was a little 10 year old pretending to be drunk, followed by an 11 year taking a swig from a jug of Cider and saying, "It's like liquid gold. Like drinking sunshine and rainbows." I mean it's a great line, but I could hear so many people in my hometown getting all bent out of shape over such a thing. Maybe I'm totally wrong here. Maybe no one would care. I just can't help thinking that there is a bit of a puritanical strain in American society that would see this as totally inappropriate for kids. What do you think? Seriously, I have to admit that little drunk rat was one of my favorite parts of the show. It made me laugh every single time I saw it. He wore a leather vest and leather cap with his little rat years sticking out. Adorable.

I had a really great, albeit busy, weekend getting to know some of the kids and the people I'll be working with/for. You know what? Everyone at the theatre office is British, so despite the fact that they speak English and I speak English half the time I don't have a clue what they are talking about. There are all sorts of British slang words I don't know, though I can usually get the gist, (hell I'm sure there's lots of American slang I don't know), then there are all these references to British pop culture - TV shows, music groups, famous people, and I just sit there with a blank look on my face. It shall be interesting seeing how things go for me at the theatre. I have a feeling that since I only will be working one day a week and there's already this gulf of nationality and familiarity it'll take some time to really get to know everyone. On the bright side they all seem extremely nice and very funny. They work hard and like to relax and have a good time once the work is finished. I went out for drinks with everyone a couple times this weekend to try and get to know them better. it was fun but I mainly just sat around and listened to them talk. My family would never believe how totally shy I become when I first meet people.

Well, it's a beautiful day out today. Ally deserves a nice long walk and I need to hang up some laundry. It should actually dry since it's supposed to be in the 50's (that's Fahrenheit) so my laundry won't become clothesicles as this do on cold winter days when I have no choice but to hang the laundry outside since every spare inch of indoor is already taken up with drying clothes! Sometimes I do desperately miss my dryer. My nice BIG American dryer. Sure it probably was too big for only two people, yeah it increased out electricity bills, and of course I used it all year round even when it would have been energy-saving, environmentally friendly to hang the laundry outdoors....but it was wonderful. It removed dog hair from clothing - I love that little lint trap- I could do as much laundry as I wanted in one day with no problems. sigh...those were the days. don't get me wrong we could buy a dryer here, but it would be small and one like our neighbors so I'd probably end up burning holes in more laundry thus destroying mass quantities of clothing, sheets, and towels. So, the line outside it is. I better get going before the weather turns on me. I just know I'm going to hang out the laundry and dark, grey clouds will roll in dropping buckets of rain all over my nice, clean laundry. All because i didn't get it done earlier.

Later gator!

1 comment:

The Moss's said...

Actress, artist, writer, comedian, teacher...what next? Whatever it may be you will be great. So glad you are beginning to find your "nitch" amongst them foreigners. I think once these folks get to know you..your going to be a very valued asset.

As far as a drunk rat, played by a 10 yr old inspiring actor is just that. Playing a part. What about the movie, Exorcism that was pretty explicite and played by a very young actress. Anyways, there will always be somebody to complain about something.