Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ally Babba voleur de gâteau de citron

yes, you read that correctly, our precious little puppy has moved on to bigger and better things - Lemon Cake. My DH had made a lovely lemon cake (from a box mix hi mom sent us for Christmas. Thanks MIL!) it was sitting on the counter covered in aluminum foil -who would have thought you would need more of a thief deterrent than that - and we'd eaten maybe two slices from it. I'm not a big lemon fan, although I find lemon cake without the added lemon glaze my DH loves so much acceptable. The point is, there was nearly an entire cake left. I rolled out of bed around 8:30 this morning, let the slobber hound in, stumble into the kitchen to start the coffee and there on the counter is a nearly empty plate filled with crumbs and a sliver of cake. Lying (laying? I can never get those right) sedately on the couch is fat, happy puppy licking her lips.
How could I get that mad at her? I mean it was only lemon cake. Then again, it did totally destroy her diet. Yes, we are attempting to help her shed some pounds. Who wants a diabetic dog on their hands who waddles? not I. I did phone the DH to see if he had forgotten to feed her which might explain the binge eating. Man, I can't believe she did that! Josh left the house about 8a.m. and I was up no later than 8:30 a.m. and in that short little time she devoured almost an entire cake! Yeah, yeah, I know you wish you could do that - there are days that I wish I could too, but it's much better for us if we don't.
Oh! and did I mention that the plastic bag full of my second attempt at Challah bread was laying in the middle of the living room when I woke up? Sure as shootin' it was. Luckily, she must have been so stuffed from the gateau that she couldn't be bothered with chewing through that thin layer of plastic to get to the goods. If she had eaten my bread I would have been super pissed - it takes HOURS to make bread!

So, when we went out tonight I made a fort with my fresh made cookies and homemade bread safely tucked away behind the defenses. Ally is lucky everything was where I left it when I returned. I'll post a picture of my fortress tomorrow and I am hopeful that I will get around to posting about the French conversation cafe we attended tonight!

Bon Soir (good-night)

p.s. voleur = thief ( a literal translation of the title is Ally Babba the thief of the cake of lemon)

1 comment:

The Moss's said...

Instead of all that Cream of Tartar you got we should have sent you Tupperware. Poor Ally, the smell is sooooo inviting. BUT...DH and DW will prevail, "children" can be so trying at times....