Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My stomach is in knots...

...I have some sort of job interview on Friday morning! Can you believe it? I've been procrastinating and procrastinating and finally yesterday I was so disgusted with myself I got my act together and sent an inquiry email to an English language theatre in the Geneva area. I've been meaning to contact them since we moved here. So, last night I sent an email with both my acting and business resumes attached (always called CVs here) with a brief explanation of my situation and work history, et voila, this morning I received a reply saying the timing was perfect. They are having a recruiting drive this week and next week. They'll be in London next week, was I available to come in for an interview Friday morning? See, nearly 7 months of procrastination can pay off!
I have no idea what the "interview" will be for. I don't know if the Brits (the theatre was founded and is run by a group of British people) call auditions interviews or if this for office work, backstage work, acting. I have no idea, but it 's a start. I did send an email asking what positions they might be considering me for so I can be prepared for the interview.

Oh god, I want to throw up. I'm shaking and my insides feel like a snake is writhing around in there! See, this is exactly why I could never make it as an actress. I detest auditions and interviews. And in the theatre you constantly have to audition and interview. This is NOT my strong suit. I feel like a fish out of water gasping for air when I go into these situations. It's terrible. And I sweat like a pig. Who wants to hire a sweaty, shaky, heavy breather?

On the other hand, I have gotten jobs before in the theatre and out of the theatre....so if I can just hold it together long enough hopefully the management at the Theatre will see that underlying greatness (ha, ha, ha) or at least a hard worker and give me a job. It could be any job. OK, I really hate box office work...but I could suffer through it for a little while if I had to.

Well, I'm going to go eat something. and yes, it is lunch time I'm not going to just go and stuff my face full of sweets...hmmmm....I wonder if there is any fudge left...yeah, that 's a good idea I'll stuff my face for the rest of the week gaining 10 pounds, that will give me confidence in my interview.

Do you think baked goods would work as a bribe? I could make some chocolate chip cookies....


Sara said...

yay, how exciting!

good luck!!

doctor's mom said...

You will be great!!! How could they not love you?? You are one terrific actress! I am sure that they would not have even replied to your e-mail, had they not been impressed with your resume. Whatever you do at the theater, I know you will do a wonderful job! I will be pulling for you!! Knock 'em dead!!! and break a leg!! (not literally, please!)

The Moss's said...

We don't need to wish you luck cause your going to be fine. Just be yourself and you'll knock their "bloody" socks off. Whatever position it is, its a foot in the door and from there who knows.....

YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!