Monday, January 7, 2008

A Rainy Day

We have now been experiencing gray skies and rain for about 3 days and my anxiety over another flood is slowly mounting. At first I thought, "bah, the ground is still frozen it'll be fine." But as the rain steadily continues I keep scanning the kitchen floor for incoming water every time I get up for a glass of water or sneak a cookie. I'm supposed to head into Geneva some time today to meet up with a friend for coffee and I keep wondering if I should just haul out the sandbags as a precaution. What if the water starts making inroads while I'm gone? Will the little princess and the slobberhound do ANYTHING to stop the invasion? I think not. They'd keep their four (or eight, as it may be) little paws nice and dry by remaining on the couch.

I guess that there's no use in worrying until something happens - like the water actual begins to seep in again. But, I can't help it. I'm just a worry-wart, I guess. To take my mind of the possibility of another flood I'm going to go print off some wedding pictures. I promised my friend I'd show her some. Now, I just have to figure out which of the 1,400 + photographs to show her! Yikes, I hate making decisions...maybe it'd be easier to just sit around wringing my hands about the non-existent, but highly likely flood...


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