Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm the worst

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. It's 1:00 and I am still sitting around the living room in my pajamas! What it going on? I just feel so lazy and unmotivated today. First I didn't want to wake up, I forced myself to get up and plunked myself down on the couch and have been there most of the day. Unfortunately, I do have some housework to get done...but that can wait.

Before I say any more I'd like to say "Bon Anniversaire, Darlene!" I hope you have a chance to relax a bit and enjoy your birthday.

Now, onto me. I can't really share the spotlight - it is MY blog, you know. Ugh, the snow it melting making me dread our daily afternoon walk. The past few days have been fun because the snow was light and fluffy, Ally was so cute running through the snow. But today it's just going to be slogging through a bunch of slush coming back soaked through. Just plain ooky (yeah, so what if I just made up a word. It totally fits). Sadly this weather shifting is wreaking havoc with my sinuses.

OK, so I've taken quite a few breaks in writing this is now almost 2 p.m. and Ally is starting to whine for her afternoon trek. But first, I just want to make my comments about Dancing with the Stars (yeah, yeah you don't have to read it if you're not interested.) I really like all the stars this year. It wasn't a huge surprise that Monica Seles and Penn Jillette were the first to go. They actually had the lowest scores so for once America and the judges agreed. I did feel rather bad for them both they seemed to really enjoy being on the show and tried very hard. Poor Penn and his monstrous feet, I don't know if he ever would have succeeded in getting those boats under control. And Monica Seles looks so uncomfortable on the dance floor. Surprisingly uncoordinated and ungraceful for an athlete (at least that's my opinion). Adam Corolla actually got some decent scores -Len gave him a 7! Just imagine if he actually practiced more than 2 hours a day he might become very good! Though, I'm not holding my breath that he'll put more effort into the dancing. I don't really have any strong favorites yet. I am totally surprised by Jason Taylor. He seems very light and graceful for a football player. It would be nice to see Edyta win, or at least come close. I believe she's the only pro who has been on every single season.
Steve Guttenberg is great but I can see him getting very annoying very quickly. It's not that he's bubbly it's that everything he says is so P.C. you know? Like, "this show helps to change the world." What?!?! How!?!?! Sure, maybe it encourages people to go out and take ballroom dance lessons, which is great and a very healthy trend...but...I don't know it just sounds so dumb when he says it. I don't want to say it's contrived, because it seems like he is sincerely a sweet person...but I don't know how much of it I can take. He needs back off the overly nice quotient just a tad. Marissa could also fall into this annoyingly bubbly, nice category for many people as well. She doesn't annoy me because I think she's funny, but I could see her getting on a lot of peoples nerves. Hmmm...what else can I spout off on to avoid walking the dog....Kristi Yamaguchi is doing an amazing job. I know a lot of people say she has an edge because of the figure skating and in some ways that's probably true. But, in the end I don't really care. I mean this is a contest among people who are already famous (maybe some of them are trying to resuscitate their careers) and the prize is a mirror ball trophy and bragging rights, that's it. It's not like some of these competitions where people are competing for a recording contract or whatever. So, who cares. Yeah, she probably has an advantage since she understands how to move to music and place her arms, but I'm sure that skating around to music is much different than performing all those dance steps. And think of it this way all the contestants have an edge over Marlee Matlin she can't even hear the music!!! She blows me away. Can you imagine being Fabien? Your first season on DWTS and you have a deaf partner. They are doing an outstanding job, I'm so impressed.

OK, OK enough of that. I better go do something useful. I need to take the laundry out of the washing machine, walk the dog, and do the dishes... the fun never ends here in Sergy!


The Moss's said...

ok, took French in grade school and there are only a few things I remember and of course I don't remember how to write french so here it goes.. sounded out:

"ill - knee -a- pa-dee-qua" - which I believes says "thank you very much" for the Birthday wishes and the most famous original from Mels Hallmark.

I too am rooting for Edyta as what has to go through her mind when dancing is far too much for me to comprehend. Kristy will take it all but she did have to learn how to dance heel toe vs flat footed.

Again, I thank you for thinking of me on my B-day although I think I may begin to ignore this once a year thing and then maybe I won't see anymore gray hairs :)

Melanie said...

I'm glad that you liked the card and hope you are enjoying your B-day!

The Moss's said...

Whoops, ill-knee-a pa-dee-qua is think nothing of it. and merci bou-coo (spelling bad) is thank you very much. Well thats what I did on my birthday...something didnt seem right and it bothered me all day. ha ha ha ha ha ha... Again thank you. I am Sooooooooooooo sorry I missed your call, I was working over at Mom's all day. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you both