Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The great lamb/dog controversy

Oh my gosh, I'm ridiculous about our dog! I just think she is adorable. C'mon admit it, you do too. You wish she was yours....er....well...I wouldn't go that far. Ally snores all the time when she's sleeping and it makes me laugh EVERY time I hear it. I can't help it, it is just so funny coming from her. These grunts and groans and snores. Do other dogs snore as much as ours does? Maybe she just wears herself out more than other dogs by stealing goodies from the counter and gorging herself (you all know her alter-ego Ally Babba the thief).

Now, enough about our snoring doggy. The raging debate currently going on within our household is what sort of animal Ally's latest stuffed toy or peluche is. I have taken photos so that all might form an opinion and give victory to one of us. To be fair I will not tell you who believes what...as that might influence your judgement. I mean, let's face it how often am I wrong? That was a rhetorical question no need to answer. So here it is it this a lamb or a dog? or in French Est-ce que c'est par un agneau ou un chien? Or something like that. I will say no more, but let the pictures speak for themselves.
Front view of lamb/dog.
perhaps it is a genetically engineered hybrid!

Side view of lamb/dog
What are Ally's thoughts on this compelling and perplexing problem? You might query. She doesn't give a shit. As long as she can rip the poor beasts guts out she doesn't give a damn. Huh, that's a dog for ya! You can tell how much she really cares about this important question of identity in the following photos. An action shot of Ally and the lamb/dog.

No post would be complete without an innocent looking Ally lying amongst the carnage and destruction she had just wrought. In closing I will leave you with a family photo. You see, despite our vehement disagreements about stuffed animals at the end of the day we are just one big happy family!
Ally's face quite clearly says, "Get me the hell out of here! And give me back my lamb/dog, you bastards."

*** p.s. please feel free to take part in the poll in the upper right. I feel vindication coming on***


doctor's mom said...

I vote for lamb! Of course, I could be wrong...okay, that's not very often (just ask me, I'll tell you!)...but, I still think it's a lamb. Oh, by the way, I have discovered another black lab that loves butter!! A friend of ours had one that ate a whole pound of it! Also, she ate a complete tray of Christmas cookies and then got very sick. Maybe it's the breed? hmmmm...it could be possible.

The Moss's said...

Poor Ally is misunderstood. You see, Ally is a very smart dog, well except when it comes to butter and other sweet treats, but she is just trying to figure out what makes this lamb/dog tick. When she plays with other "live" animals she doesn't tear them apart because she smells that they are just like her but this animal, has different smells, so she is being very inquisitive as to what its make up is. Kinda like CSI, Sergy. :)

Love the Family Portrait!!!!!