Friday, March 21, 2008

March Madness!!!

NO, I'm not talking about college basketball, I'm talking about the fact that the first day of Spring finally arrives and we get 8 inches of snow and it's still coming down!!!

What the *bleep* is going on!?!?! I wanted snow all winter (DH wanted it more) and now when I'm ready for the warm weather to be here, ready to put up the skis and get out the gardening gloves the snow starts falling and doesn't stop.
As you can tell by the above picture I had no clue that it was going to start snowing last night. Not until Ally woke me up at 5 am anxious to go outside did I realize that something looked different outside. Everything seemed to have this strange yellow glow from the street lights. Then I realized everything was covered in snow! How bizarre. We had snow in November (autumn) and now in March (spring) but no snow ALL WINTER long! When I finally took Ally for her walk around 6:45 am it had started snowing again and it's nearly 9 am and it's still going strong. Ally, like my wonderful husband, adores the snow. She gets so excited. All she wants to do is run around frolicking through the thick, white powder. Actually, this snow is less powder and more wet. Perfect packing snow really. You might have to click the picture to the right to actually see Ally running like mad through the snow. I don't know why these pictures are so dark...well, OK I do. It was just getting light out so, duh, of course the pictures will be dark. Sometimes I wonder how I make it through the day - I can be such an idiot. So, anyways. Poor hubby, had to go into work this morning. He was planning on taking the day off but he was asked last night if he could go in this morning and help lay or plug in some opto cables....or something to that effect. He'll chastise me when he reads this saying i don't listen to him but I did listen, I just can't quite remember. What I do know is it was something physically (or at least semi-physically) active. Not sitting in front of the computer screen so I know it's something he'd like to do. He was very disappointed that he was going to miss out on a morning of playing in the snow. But I'm sure it will be here this afternoon and tomorrow. Besides we did manage to get some play time in - I helped in unbury the car and we ran around with Ally for a while (which almost made him late - ooops!)

As we were cleaning off the car Marion poked her head out the window to say hello and stared a snow ball fight!! Cheater, she was inside. hee, hee. it was fun. I thought the snowball fight was all over and returned to brushing snow off the car when; THUNK , a huge mound of snow was swept off the roof of the car right into my face and consequently down the front of my shirt! You just gotta laugh. My hubby grinned and said, "I just couldn't resist. It was too perfect." How can you get angry with that? It's so true. I would have done the exact same thing in his place. hee, hee
Despite the fact that I have been yearning for springtime. warm afternoons, colorful flowers, sipping drinks on the patio in early evening before it gets's still fun to have a snow day. I just hope it doesn't last too long!


Sara said...

its so crazy!!
i stumbled out of bed this morning and hadn't yet looked out the window and my husband was like, dont forget to look out the window...
i almost fell over, it was so warm and sunny yesterday! where did all this snow come from? i had heard they were predicting snow, first for last tuesday, then for thursday, but when it was all sunny i didnt believe it...

Melanie said...

I know. It just came out of nowhere! Sure it got pretty cold last night, but I didn't think I'd wake up to discover a winter wonderland outside my door. In many ways it makes me feel like a kid again!