Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's back!!!

What's back? Dancing with the Stars, silly. Yep, that's right. The first episode was last night. Don't tell me about it, I haven't watched it yet. I love DWTS. I don't know why, I just do! Maybe I secretly wish I could get all glamed up in sequence and monstrous eyeshadow. hee, hee, hee...that would be funny.
Well that's all I have to say for now. I've got to actually get myself up and motivated today. I have a stack of books with Theatre games for kids I need to start plowing through!

1 comment:

doctor's mom said...

Me too!! I love it! Monday night it was just the guys...tonite it's the girls...won't tell you about it, but I was surprised by a couple of the guy's abilities! or in some cases the lack thereof. Can't wait for tonite's episode! I plan my evenings around this show...pathetic, huh? I'm hooked!!